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17 releases tagged with "faststore"

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· 3 min read
Ícaro Azevedo

In this article, we share our vision for the future of analytics on FastStore and invite you to share your thoughts.

Before we start, it's important to highlight that this is not a commitment to any of the following topics, and we have not yet planned when they will be implemented or even if they'll come to be. That being said, we envision an ever-evolving analytics solution for FastStore, and we count on you to build it together with us.

Universal Analytics

We want to make it easy to migrate to FastStore, regardless of where you are coming from. To address that, we intend to support Universal Analytics on our official starters. We still plan to recommend and enforce Google Analytics 4 whenever possible. Still, we want to give our users and developers the time they need to fully understand and migrate to the new version of Google Analytics.

dataLayer completeness

To create rich reports about ecommerce operations, collecting rich data is necessary. In Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, this is done by pushing data to the dataLayer.

Currently, our official starters support only GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce capabilities. This is not enough for most stores, which need more data powering their reports. We want to address this issue.

There's no definitive answer for which properties we should include in our official starters' dataLayer by default, and that's why we want to hear from you.


Help us build the future of the Analytics SDK module by letting us know which are the most common properties and events you manually included in the dataLayer, why they're important and why they should be built into our starters.

Analytics libraries for store segments

Grocery, fashion, and appliances are all store segments with specific needs regarding design, functionality, and, of course, analytics.

We believe it makes sense to have custom-built events targeted to specific store segments so these stores can fully understand the shoppers' behavior. For grocery, for example, we believe it would be helpful to know how many users try to enter their address, but there's no store near them or the most popular stores in a given area.

These libraries would be accompanied by extensive documentation explaining the meaning behind each event, when to fire them, which information is required, autocomplete, how to integrate it with Google Analytics, etc. Also, using these libraries would be optional.

Zooming out

The Analytics SDK module, Partytown, and the built-in integration offered by our official starters make us really excited about our analytics solutions and what's to come. We have a great opportunity to offer our clients a delightful experience while still allowing them to explore options other than the ones we've established by default. The future can also look bright, and we want to hear from you: what would you like to see from the FastStore team regarding analytics?

Continue learning

To continue learning, check our advanced guide about Analytics on FastStore.

· 5 min read

The search query has been enhanced to allow cross-selling and upselling of products. Also, the new subscribeToNewsletter mutation is now available in the FastStore API. In the FastStore UI, the Slider and PriceRange components now allow ref forwarding.

· 4 min read

The FastStore UI now includes the Hero and Dropdown components. Also, the FastStore API was enhanced to better support page error handling. Global changes were also implemented to enable price range filtering on PLPs.

· 3 min read

New OutOfStock and ProductCard components added to the FastStore UI. Also, improvements in the FastStore API now allow fetching additional properties of a product.

· One min read

We've recently changed the configurations needed for the secure subdomain. Hence, if you come across the "This connection is not private" error while trying to complete an order at your store website, check if your website's secure subdomain is pointing to secure.{hostname}, where {hostname} is the complete address of your store.

What has changed?

The secure subdomain must now point to secure.{hostname}, where {hostname} is the complete address of your store. Before, the secure subdomain was being pointed to {account}

What needs to be done?

If you come across the "This connection is not private" error in your store website, repeat the Hosting a FastStore + VTEX website guide, making sure that the secure subdomain is pointing to secure.{hostname}

· One min read

FastStore API reference documentation is now available. You can check it now via the GraphiQL IDE.

What has changed?

While working on your FastStore website, you can run your project locally and use GraphiQL to explore the API. Now, when you do this you will see that each type, argument, query and mutation has an associated description.

What needs to be done?

To explore the FastStore API reference documentation, follow these steps:

  1. Run yarn in your project to reinstall the @faststore/api dependency.
  2. Run yarn develop to start a local server.
  3. Access GraphiQL by going to this address:
  1. Click on the Docs button on the upper right corner.
  2. On the docs tab you can browse through the definitions or search for types by name.

Screen capture of the procedure described above.

· 4 min read

The FastStore API no longer includes unused Gatsby plugins and now handles channel as a facet for search and product queries. Also, check out the new Troubleshooting guides and the Starter submission form.

· One min read

We updated our infrastructure to allow you to use site generators that support server-side rendering (SSR), such as Next.js and Gatsby 4.

What has changed?

Before, there were only two ways to render a FastStore website: either via client-side rendering (CSR) or static site generation (SSG). Now, you can also use server-side rendering.


Server-side rendering (SSR) is a method of rendering pages at run-time. It loads the website code on a server and returns a fully rendered HTML page to the client (browser).

Why did we make these changes?

We made these changes precisely to support Gatsby 4 and NextJS. With these frameworks, you will be able to choose the best way to generate the pages of your store website, opening up new possibilities for what you can create with FastStore.

What needs to be done?

These changes make Gatsby 4 available for usage, but they do not automatically change the Gatsby version of your project. For further instructions on how to migrate from Gatsby 3 to Gatsby 4, please refer to this article.

· 3 min read

The FastStore API now includes an Express GraphQL Server, and the FastStore UI now has a new Dropdown component. Also, the performance of the useStorage hook has been improved.

· 3 min read

Adjustments in the SearchInput reference and useStorage hook. Fixes in StoreProduct values and trailing slash from incoming requests. Also, new Performance Budgets section to the lighthouse report.